Ascension on the bayou
Ascension on the bayou

ascension on the bayou

Ascension on the bayou plus#

Get With the Guidelines® Stroke Silver Plus.Target: Type 2 Diabetes Honor Roll: The award aims to ensure patients with type 2 diabetes receive the most up-to-date care when hospitalized with cardiovascular disease or stroke.Get With The Guidelines® Heart Failure Gold Plus, for its commitment to improving outcomes for patients with heart failure, meaning reduced readmissions and more healthy days at home.This year, the hospital received these achievement awards based on data from 2021: “By meeting the American Heart Association’s guidelines, we apply proven knowledge and guidelines to work on a daily basis, which helps us ensure more people experience longer, healthier lives.” “Ascension Sacred Heart hospital is committed to improving care by adhering to the latest treatment guidelines and streamlining processes to ensure timely and proper care for heart attacks and strokes,” said Dawn Rudoph, president of Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola. Hospitals recognized with the American Heart Association’s Get With The Guidelines awards are better able to achieve shorter recovery times and fewer readmissions by consistently following treatment guidelines. Ascension Sacred Heart Pensacola has received American Heart Association awards for demonstrating commitment to following up-to-date, research-based guidelines for the treatment of heart disease and stroke.

Ascension on the bayou